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Eight departments issued documents, and rehabilitation medicine ushered in new opportunities!
Release time:2019/2/1      Number of hits: 562
The National Health Commission, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of education, the Ministry of civil affairs, the Ministry of finance, the medical insurance bureau, the Bureau of traditional Chinese medicine and the disabled persons'' Federation jointly issued the notice on printing and distributing opinions on accelerating the development of rehabilitation medical work. Rehabilitation medical treatment is expected to usher in a round of outbreak.
Source: Official Website of National Health Commission
On June 16, eight departments including the National Health Commission, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of education, the Ministry of civil affairs, the Ministry of finance, the medical insurance bureau, the Bureau of traditional Chinese medicine and the disabled persons'' Federation jointly issued the notice on printing and distributing opinions on accelerating the development of rehabilitation medical work. Rehabilitation medical treatment is expected to usher in a round of outbreak.
In terms of rehabilitation talents, the notice proposes to strive to gradually establish a professional rehabilitation medical team with reasonable quantity and excellent quality by 2022, with 6 rehabilitation doctors and 10 rehabilitation therapists per 100000 population. By 2025, there will be 8 rehabilitation doctors and 12 rehabilitation therapists per 100000 population. The capacity of rehabilitation medical services has been steadily improved, the service methods have been more diversified, the field of rehabilitation medical services has been continuously expanded, and the people enjoy all-round and full-cycle rehabilitation medical services.
In terms of social medical services, the notice clearly supports and guides social forces to organize large-scale and chain rehabilitation medical centers, and increases the number of medical institutions providing rehabilitation medical services within their jurisdiction. Encourage qualified primary medical institutions to set up and increase beds to provide rehabilitation medical services according to needs.
In addition, we should scientifically plan the public medical institutions and social medical resources in the region, and reasonably increase the number of rehabilitation hospitals.
At the same time, improve the rehabilitation medical service network. Public tertiary hospitals should undertake the tasks of rehabilitation medical discipline construction, talent training, technical support and research achievement promotion within their jurisdiction, give play to the role of assistance and driving, and encourage tertiary hospitals organized by social forces to actively participate.
Attachment: opinions on accelerating the development of rehabilitation medical work
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Rehabilitation medical work is an important part of health care. Accelerating the development of rehabilitation medicine is of great significance to comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China, implement the national strategy to actively respond to population aging, and ensure and improve people''s livelihood. In order to implement the important decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, increase the supply of rehabilitation medical services and improve the ability of rehabilitation medical services to respond to major public health emergencies, the following opinions are put forward on accelerating the development of rehabilitation medical work.
1、 General requirements and main objectives
(1) General requirements. We will fully implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the national strategy of healthy China and actively responding to population aging, take people''s health as the center and social needs as the guide, improve and improve the rehabilitation medical service system, strengthen the construction of rehabilitation medical professional teams, improve the ability of rehabilitation medical services, and promote reform and innovation in the field of rehabilitation medical treatment, Promote the high-quality development of rehabilitation medical services.
(2) Main objectives. Strive to gradually establish a professional rehabilitation medical team with reasonable quantity and excellent quality by 2022, with 6 rehabilitation doctors and 10 rehabilitation therapists per 100000 population. By 2025, there will be 8 rehabilitation doctors and 12 rehabilitation therapists per 100000 population. The capacity of rehabilitation medical services has been steadily improved, the service methods have been more diversified, the field of rehabilitation medical services has been continuously expanded, and the people enjoy all-round and full-cycle rehabilitation medical services.
2、 Improve the rehabilitation medical service system
(3) Increase the number of medical institutions and beds providing rehabilitation medical services. Local health administrative departments (including competent departments of traditional Chinese medicine, the same below) shall improve the rehabilitation medical service system covering the whole population and the whole life cycle in accordance with the planning requirements of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and medical and health service system, combined with the needs of rehabilitation medical treatment in the region. Promote the transformation of some primary and secondary hospitals in areas rich in medical resources into rehabilitation hospitals. Support and guide social forces to set up large-scale and chain rehabilitation medical centers, and increase the number of medical institutions providing rehabilitation medical services within their jurisdiction. Encourage qualified primary medical institutions to set up and increase beds to provide rehabilitation medical services according to needs.
(4) Strengthen the construction of rehabilitation hospitals and rehabilitation medicine departments in general hospitals. All localities should strengthen the construction of software and hardware in accordance with the basic standards and construction management norms of rehabilitation hospitals, rehabilitation medicine departments of general hospitals and rehabilitation departments of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals issued by the state. All localities are encouraged to incorporate the increased supply of rehabilitation medical service resources into the construction of the health service system of the 14th five year plan, and focus on supporting the construction of rehabilitation medicine departments of prefecture and municipal rehabilitation hospitals and county-level general hospitals. We should scientifically coordinate the resources of public medical institutions and social medical institutions in the region, and reasonably increase the number of rehabilitation hospitals. In principle, each provincial capital city and prefecture level city with a permanent resident population of more than 3 million shall set up at least one level II and above rehabilitation hospital; At least one county-level public hospital in a county with a permanent resident population of more than 300000 shall set up rehabilitation medicine departments; At least one county-level public hospital in a county with a permanent resident population of less than 300000 shall set up rehabilitation medicine clinics.
(5) Strengthen the capacity-building of rehabilitation medicine in county-level hospitals and grass-roots medical institutions. In combination with the relevant requirements of the state to strengthen the comprehensive service capacity-building of county-level hospitals, all localities are encouraged to strengthen rehabilitation medical services as a key area to make up for their weaknesses, so as to effectively improve the level of rehabilitation medical services of county-level hospitals. Relying on the working platform to carry out the construction of community hospitals and continuously improve the ability of grass-roots medical services, support qualified grass-roots medical institutions to set up rehabilitation medical clinics to provide convenient and professional rehabilitation medical services for the masses.
(6) Improve the rehabilitation medical service network. With the help of urban medical groups, county medical communities, specialist alliances, telemedicine and other forms, establish a rehabilitation medical service network with clear positioning, division of labor and cooperation and up-down linkage between different medical institutions. Medical institutions shall provide rehabilitation medical services according to the requirements of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and functional positioning. The rehabilitation medicine department of the third level general hospital, the rehabilitation department of the third level traditional Chinese medicine hospital and the third level rehabilitation hospital focus on providing rehabilitation medical services for patients with acute and critical diseases and difficult and complex diseases. Public tertiary hospitals should undertake the tasks of rehabilitation medical discipline construction, talent training, technical support and research achievement promotion within their jurisdiction, give play to the role of assistance and driving, and encourage tertiary hospitals organized by social forces to actively participate. The rehabilitation medicine department of level II General Hospital, the rehabilitation department of level II traditional Chinese medicine hospital, level II rehabilitation hospital, rehabilitation medical center, grass-roots medical institutions, etc. focus on providing rehabilitation medical services for patients with clear diagnosis, stable condition or need long-term rehabilitation. Relying on grass-roots medical institutions, encourage active community and home-based rehabilitation medical services.
3、 Strengthen the training of rehabilitation medical talents and team construction
(7) Strengthen the education and training of rehabilitation medical talents. Qualified colleges and universities should actively set up scarce majors such as rehabilitation therapeutics and rehabilitation engineering, set up rehabilitation physical therapy, rehabilitation occupational therapy, hearing and speech rehabilitation and other majors according to the actual situation, increase the training and supply of rehabilitation professionals, and pay attention to improving clinical practice ability. It is encouraged to strengthen the cultivation of rehabilitation medicine related knowledge and ability of medical students in clinical medicine education, and popularize the professional knowledge of rehabilitation medicine. We will continue to promote standardized training for residents in rehabilitation medicine, explore job transfer training for doctors in rehabilitation medicine, and increase the number of doctors engaged in rehabilitation medicine.
(8) Strengthen the on-the-job training of rehabilitation medical professionals. Gradually establish a demand-oriented and post competency centered training mechanism for rehabilitation medical professionals. According to the functional orientation of medical institutions and the clinical needs of rehabilitation medicine, training shall be carried out for the personnel engaged in and planning to engage in rehabilitation medicine in medical institutions in a planned and hierarchical manner to improve the ability of rehabilitation medical services. Strengthen the training of all medical personnel on the basic knowledge of rehabilitation medicine, enhance the awareness of early intervention and the whole process of rehabilitation medicine, and run the concept of rehabilitation through the whole process of disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation.
(9) Strengthen the reserve of rehabilitation medical team in emergency. All localities should rely on the rehabilitation medicine department of general hospitals, the rehabilitation department of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and rehabilitation hospitals with conditions and strong ability to establish or reserve a database of rehabilitation medical experts, establish a professional rehabilitation medical team with excellent quality, excellent specialty and timely response to major epidemic situations, disasters and other public health emergencies, and strengthen personnel, material reserves and emergency drills, Effectively improve the ability of rehabilitation medical services in emergency situations.
4、 Improve the ability of rehabilitation medical service
(10) Improve the rehabilitation medical work system, service guidelines and technical specifications. In combination with the characteristics of rehabilitation medicine and the development of clinical needs, formulate (revise) and improve the rehabilitation medical work system, rehabilitation medical service guidelines and technical specifications of medical institutions, especially the rehabilitation technical guidelines for major diseases and new infectious diseases, standardize the behavior of clinical rehabilitation medical services, and improve the professionalism and standardization of rehabilitation medical services, Further improve the medical effect.
(11) Strengthen the construction of rehabilitation medical capacity. Focusing on improving the ability of rehabilitation medical services, we will focus on strengthening the ability of early rehabilitation intervention, multidisciplinary cooperation and rehabilitation medical services for patients with difficult and critical diseases in the rehabilitation medicine department of tertiary general hospitals, the rehabilitation department of tertiary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and tertiary rehabilitation hospitals. According to the disease characteristics of different populations and the urgent needs of rehabilitation medical services, actively promote the construction of rehabilitation medicine sub specialties such as neurological rehabilitation, orthopedic rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, Tumor Rehabilitation, children''s rehabilitation, elderly rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation, severe rehabilitation, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation and psychological rehabilitation, and carry out detailed rehabilitation evaluation, rehabilitation treatment Rehabilitation guidance and rehabilitation follow-up services.
(12) Improve the ability of grass-roots rehabilitation medical treatment. By means of Medical Association, counterpart support and distance training, give play to the radiation and driving role of high-quality rehabilitation medical resources, and improve the rehabilitation medical service capacity and level of rehabilitation medical centers, community health service centers, township health centers and other grass-roots medical institutions. Hospitals at or above the second level with conditions in the Medical Federation are encouraged to help grass-roots medical institutions improve their rehabilitation medical ability by establishing a rehabilitation medical joint team, one-to-one assistance and sending rehabilitation experts to visit, ward round and training grass-roots medical institutions regularly. At the same time, we should strengthen the training of general practitioners and family doctors'' signing teams to improve their rehabilitation medical service ability. Support qualified medical institutions to strengthen cooperation with professional rehabilitation institutions for the disabled and child welfare institutions to improve their rehabilitation level.
(13) Improve the rehabilitation service capacity of traditional Chinese medicine. Implement the notice on printing and distributing the implementation plan of rehabilitation service capacity improvement project of traditional Chinese medicine (2021-2025), and give full play to the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in disease rehabilitation. Encourage qualified medical institutions to actively provide TCM rehabilitation services. Strengthen the construction and management of TCM rehabilitation service institutions, strengthen the training and team construction of TCM rehabilitation professionals, carry out research on TCM rehabilitation schemes and technical specifications, actively develop TCM characteristic rehabilitation services, increase the supply of grass-roots TCM rehabilitation services, and effectively improve the ability and level of TCM rehabilitation services.
5、 Innovative rehabilitation medical service model
(14) Gradually promote the multi-disciplinary cooperation mode between rehabilitation and clinic. Encourage qualified medical institutions to innovate and carry out the close cooperation mode between rehabilitation medicine and clinical related disciplines such as surgery, neurology, orthopedics, cardiovascular, respiratory, critical care and traditional Chinese medicine. Focus on patients, strengthen early intervention in rehabilitation, promote accelerated rehabilitation surgery, put rehabilitation through the whole process of disease diagnosis and treatment, improve medical effect, and promote rapid rehabilitation and functional recovery of patients.
(15) Actively develop community and home-based rehabilitation medicine. Encourage qualified medical institutions to extend rehabilitation services in the institutions to the community and home through Internet plus, family beds and door-to-door visits. Support grass-roots medical institutions to enrich and innovate the rehabilitation medical service model, and give priority to providing home rehabilitation medical treatment, daytime rehabilitation training, rehabilitation guidance and other services for the disabled or the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, severely disabled people and other people with urgent rehabilitation medical service needs.
(16) Promote the connection and integration of rehabilitation medical treatment and rehabilitation assistive device configuration services. Implement several opinions on accelerating the development of rehabilitation aids industry, and promote the deep integration of rehabilitation medical services and rehabilitation aids configuration services. Medical institutions shall, in accordance with relevant requirements, reasonably allocate rehabilitation aids, adaptive equipment and facilities, strengthen the training of relevant personnel, establish a team cooperation mechanism between rehabilitation doctors, rehabilitation therapists and rehabilitation aids allocation personnel, and improve professional technology and service ability.
6、 Increase support and guarantee
(17) We will make overall plans to improve the price of rehabilitation medical services and the payment management of medical insurance. Bring the price of rehabilitation medical services into the overall consideration of deepening the price reform of medical services, and do a good job in the adjustment and optimization of the price of relevant projects. Guide all localities to implement 29 medical rehabilitation projects such as comprehensive rehabilitation evaluation, strengthen the payment management of medical rehabilitation projects, and effectively ensure the basic rehabilitation medical needs of the people.
(18) Mobilize the enthusiasm of rehabilitation medical professionals. Medical institutions should establish and improve the management system of rehabilitation medical professionals. Improve the performance appraisal mechanism with the performance of post responsibilities, clinical workload, service quality, code of conduct, medical quality and safety, medical ethics and patient satisfaction as the core, and link the appraisal results with the post employment, professional title promotion, performance distribution and reward evaluation of rehabilitation medical professionals, so as to achieve more work, better performance and remuneration, and mobilize their enthusiasm.
(19) Strengthen the information construction of rehabilitation medical treatment. We should make full use of cloud computing, big data, the Internet of things, smart medicine, mobile Internet and other information technologies, vigorously promote the information construction of rehabilitation medicine, and implement the network security level protection system. With the help of information means, innovate and develop new models, new formats and new technologies of rehabilitation medical services, optimize the process of rehabilitation medical services, and improve the efficiency of rehabilitation medical services. We will actively carry out telemedicine, consultation, training and technical guidance in the field of rehabilitation medicine to benefit more grass-roots people.
(20) Promote the development of rehabilitation and medical related industries. All localities are encouraged to cultivate rehabilitation and medical related industries through scientific and technological innovation, industrial transformation and achievement transformation, combined with the actual situation and characteristic advantages. Priority should be given to promoting the integration of doctors and workers in the rehabilitation of the elderly, the disabled, injured patients and children. Actively support the research, development and innovation of a number of high-intelligent, high-tech and high-quality rehabilitation aids and rehabilitation treatment equipment to gradually meet the health needs of the people.
7、 Organization and Implementation
(21) Strengthen organizational leadership. All relevant departments should fully understand the significance of accelerating the development of rehabilitation medical work from the perspective of comprehensively promoting the construction of a healthy China, implementing the national strategy to actively respond to population aging and improving the health and well-being of the people. Effectively strengthen organizational leadership, form policy synergy, and improve supporting policies. All provincial health administrative departments shall, together with relevant departments, formulate and issue specific implementation plans for accelerating the development of rehabilitation medical services in their respective regions by the end of October 2021.
(22) Clarify the responsibilities of the Department. All relevant departments should clarify the division of responsibilities, strengthen policy linkage and work together to promote the development of rehabilitation medical services. Local health administrative departments shall reasonably plan and distribute the rehabilitation medical resources in the region according to the requirements, strengthen the training and team construction of rehabilitation medical professionals, standardize the rehabilitation medical behavior, improve the rehabilitation medical service ability, and ensure the medical quality and safety. The education department should strengthen the education and training of rehabilitation medical professionals. Development, reform and financial departments should implement the government investment policy in accordance with regulations. Medical security departments should promote the reform of medical insurance payment methods and improve the price management mechanism of medical services. Civil affairs departments should actively promote the development of rehabilitation aids industry. The competent department of traditional Chinese medicine should vigorously develop the rehabilitation services with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine. The disabled persons'' Federation shall organize the rehabilitation and assistance of disabled children and cooperate with the rehabilitation and medical treatment of disabled people.
(23) Strengthen guidance and evaluation. Local health administrative departments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, establish a regular guidance and evaluation mechanism and a tracking mechanism for key work, so as to carry out research in a timely manner

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