PRODUCTS > Rhinitis red light therapeutic instrument

Rhinitis red light therapeutic instrument
Rhinitis red light therapeutic instrument
1, allergic rhinitis, also called allergic rhinitis, is allergic disease of nasal mucosa, and can cause a variety of complications. In recent years, the incidence rate has increased. According to statistics, the incidence rate of allergic rhinitis in the world is as high as 15%6-20%. The typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis are nasal congestion, nasal itching, headache, paroxysmal sneezing, continuous water attacks, nasal mucus and olfactory dysfunction. Experts point out that allergic rhinitis should be treated as soon as possible, otherwise, allergic asthma will be caused.
2, the traditional treatment methods of allergic rhinitis include drug therapy, intranasal spray and surgical treatment. Antihistamines based drugs have palpitation side effects. In addition, sympathetic nerve is used to enhance sympathetic nerve function. Long term use of spray products may cause drug-induced rhinitis. Surgical treatment is more painful and has certain risks.
3. Research shows that single wavelength visible light source (red light) can inhibit nasal allergy symptoms, reduce mucosal sensitivity and achieve therapeutic effect. Wavelength narrow-band low-energy red cold light is used for local treatment of the nose, change nasal cell tissue, reduce nasal mucosal sensitivity, slow down photosensitive reaction and make the nose no longer prone to inflammation and allergy, Clinical results show that the vast majority of patients can obtain improved results in a short time. Rhinitis therapeutic instrument uses the light-emitting diode emitting accurate wavelength light source to emit special red light to protect the nasal mucosa against allergic factors. After long-term use, allergic symptoms can be alleviated or even disappear, bringing good news to patients.

working principle:
1. Rhinitis therapeutic instrument adopts specific light-emitting diodes and uses low-energy narrow-band light wave with biological effect to stimulate cells in the body to accelerate proliferation and repair tissues in the body. This biologically influential light can make incoming cells grow at a rate of five times and accelerate cell healing and regeneration.
2. The light source of the rhinitis therapeutic instrument emits special red light to protect the nasal mucosa against allergic factors. The red light slows the response of immune cell receptors to stimuli such as pollen. This specific light wave reduces the permeability of mast cell wall, which means that the release of histamine is reduced and the binding effect of immune cells is locally affected, thus reducing the response to allergic factors.

usage method:
1. Connect the probe to the host correctly
2. The probe should be inserted into the nasal cavity for 1-2cm
3. Press the switch to start treatment
4. After treatment, clean the probe and place it

ADD:Backyard of seismic station, No. 72-2, Taishan Road, Quanshan District, Xuzhou
TEL: 0516-83991112